It's hard to believe that today we ran our third shoe sa
le here at St Mary's, Above Rocks. Through the generosity of the good people at St Louis Paris, Batesville, IN, we are able to offer new and used shoes to the people in Above Rocks, just as school opens. Once again, Judy Wickens and her Mission Team, gathered 70 boxes of shoes and shipped them to us for our annual sale. The shoe sale was a huge success and all proceeds from the day's sales help run our feeding program.
One of the biggest sales is of 'sport shoes' especially football (soccer) shoes. Here you see Owen Clarke look over the sports section of today's sales.
The shoe sale is such a big event people were here at 6AM (some joining us for 6:30 Mass) for a 10 AM event. Father Joe has to keep the peace at the door to avoid anyone being crushed in the frenzy.