Wednesday, April 25, 2007

If it's Wednesday...then it's school Mass day!

Here at St. Mary's Wednesdays are School Mass Days. Each Wednesday a different grade (from 1st thru 11th) comes to Church for morning Mass. This provides us with an evangelization opportunity. While the majority of our students are not Catholic, most all are Christian... this weekly moment allows us the time to show them what the Mass is, how Catholic's pray, and that we don't have horns. Here to the right is a picture of the college band (high school). The band has much improved over the year and the students can identify with their music. Michael W Smith look out!


kmm said...

How wonderful!! I loved weekly mass when I was in school!! Keep up the good work!

Mission Animator said...

"The BLOG makes the mission come alive for the reader!" This is a comment from a Rom at Casimir's

vanessa said...

Hi this Vanessa Dickenson-Sutherland class of 1985, glad to see my school, i try to get in touch with the school,to recieve my GED diploma or a transicrt, I can be reach at God bless each and everyone.