Sunday, July 29, 2007

A New Roof for the Auditorium

St. Mary's, Above Rocks, Auditorium is in dire need of a new roof...the leaking roof makes gatherings difficult and frequently shorts-out the electric when rain and a gathering coincide. Because of a generous grant from the Episcopal Vicariate of St Catherine, Msgr Albert, one half of the needed monies ($10k of $20k) were made available for this long over due project. Through the generous support of the local parishioners a third of the remaining monies have been given or pledged. So as to complete the project in a timely fashion, a loan has been taken from the Friars of the St Anthony of Padua Province, USA. The $8,000 loan will be paid in monthly allotments beginning January 2008. If you would like to help us finish this first phase of the auditorium, feel free to send your donation to our Mission Office in Ellicott City (address to the right of this page) and designate your donation: auditorium repair fund. THANKS in advance for your help... more pictures as the roof goes on.

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