Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rebuild My Church

The Youth and Young Adults of the Mission gathered today for a Day of Recollection at Immaculate Conception Convent. The theme for the day was Rebuild My Church. Like Francis, this 800 year old invitation, is extended to the youth and young adults of St Mary's and Missions. Fr Mike began the day with Matthew 25 - the Parable of the Talents. Once we identify our gifts and talents, how can we use them for the building up of the Church in Above Rocks, Cassava River, Pinto and Rock Hall? The morning session ended with Praise and Worship. Through the generous offer of the Franciscan Sisters of Allegheny, the day was paid for and through Sr Ceil's generous support, even lunch was paid for... THANKS!

The afternoon was a time for an address by the newly elected president of CYM, which we call FYM, Andre Simms. Then a short presentation by the Archdiocesan an Family Life Office on the Pro Life movement here in Jamaica. The day ended with prayer at which time each participant was given a small stone with a Tau cross (painted on it) to remind them they are called to Rebuild the Church!
The day ended with one hour of pool time... even the most shy eventually got in the pool. Thanks to one and all who helped make the day a huge success.

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