Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tomas vs. Jackson

Today (Thursday) Tropical Storm Tomas was delayed just enough to allow the Choir to make it to the TVJ studios to tape Sunday's Show. They sang Michael Jackson's song - Heal The World.

Although they received "OK" "not bad"comments from the three judges (thus we will really need to vote a lot this week) we can be proud of their message.

Students were divided into the "World" symbolized by gangstas, pregnant teenager, unwed mother, etc and

"Healing" symbolized by nurses, red cross, etc.

Isn't that the message we are trying to instill at our
Catholic Christian School ?

We, all of us, can be instruments of the Lord's healing by our kindness, selfless lifestyle and Gospel values!

We can be proud of our students UNCONDITIONALLY

....and don't forget to watch on Sunday TVJ 8:00pm - VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was quite an appropriate for us to be sending. The judges said it was 'ok', but we won't stop there. We will go again at it as we put some more creativity n sponk to it. So keep voting n vote even more this time around