Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jesus met the woman at the well . . .

While a water incident during Lent is great food-for-thought, especially on the Woman at the Well Sunday, 21 days with minimal pipe water is pushing the metaphor. They tell us that the pump in the field is broken, that's why the water has been so scarce. Interestingly enough the boss downtown knows nothing of a broken, non-functioning pump, in our district. May the power of your prayers over come the shake down for cash that accompanies such water shortages. For many of our people they are bone-dry, and this morning one member of staff arrived with his five gallon bucket begging water, only to turn our pipe on and clouded water trickled out. We too are at the bottom of the tank (barrel). Pray, pray!

1 comment:

Lady Ann said...

I pray (with you) that the water shortage has turned around.

Keeping everyone there in my heart and prayers everyday.

- Ann